Wskazówki prawne


alca mobile logistics + services gmbh

Kurzer Weg 1-5
15859 Storkow

Phone: 033678 - 68 70 

Fax: 033678 - 61 04 4


Managing Director:
Nadja Lojewski, Tom Heyner

Commercial Register: Local Court Frankfurt (Oder), HRB 8617FF

Sales tax identification number: DE 811547304


Registration number of the EAR: WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 20074012

The European Commission is providing an online dispute resolution (OS) platform, which can be found at

We are prepared to participate in an out-of-court conciliation procedure before a consumer conciliation body. 
The General Consumer Arbitration Office of the Center for Arbitration e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, Germany,